No Ordinary Love: Liason/LuSam fanfic by Cassandra Jones
Jason lay awake for all the wrong reasons on that night. The woman that was his wife lay cold and in the ground. He should be grieving for her and what he’d lost but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Elizabeth Webber, the amazing woman with the chocolate hair and the golden heart. He just couldn’t stop thinking about the desperate call Elizabeth made to him that night.
I’m so sorry Jason; please don’t hate me….. She said.
Doesn’t she know by now that he could never hate her? He helped her through her grieve and guilt over killing Sam and in the process, she helped him find happiness again. He wanted to feel guilty about moving on so fast after Sam….. It made no difference that he and Sam weren’t legally married; she deserved more than that. Elizabeth and the image of Sam’s blood covering her silky hair flashed through his memory.
He will never forget the look on her face as she told him or how he pried the cold .45 from her hands. Elizabeth is so beautiful and innocent.
She couldn’t have murdered Sam in cold blood.
He knew that before she uttered a word. He refused to let prison take her away from her boys or him. He never wanted the violence or ugliness of this world to touch her. He wanted to take it away. To somehow make her see that she was better than the worst thing she ever did. She didn’t deserve to go to prison and he’d move heaven and earth to make sure that never happened. Looking back on that night, he knew he had done the right thing.
Though he had hated for her to think he was sacrificing too much for her, again, he had to take the gun and send her away. She couldn’t be anywhere near the docks when the PCPD showed up. He had to protect her at all costs. It was all too easy to have an anonymous tip phoned in or to get rid of the weapon before they showed up. The only thing he hadn’t counted on was how much Ronnie hated him or that he’d sacrifice the integrity of his badge to ensure Jason went away for good this time. It was no big deal to Jason. He had Mac and Alexis on his side and Elizabeth was his rock through it all.
More importantly, she and the boys were ok. Because that was all that mattered to him. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been on trial. He was always in trouble and he was happy to be in it for her. He closed his eyes and in quiet thanks to whatever force was responsible for bringing Elizabeth back into his life. This was right. It had been 13 years since he rescued her at Jake’s and 13 years he’d sacrificed their happiness for her safety. He loved being her hero but maybe he wanted more than that. He wasn’t a machine. He saw all those years how she protected Lucky, stood by him right or wrong and loved him unconditionally. Lucky was an utter failure but Elizabeth looked at him and all he could see was love and adoration in her. Jason needed that in his life. The love and tenderness of this woman. He also knew she needed him.
By the time she came back to him, she was on the brink of insanity. Staying with Lucky all those years had definitely done its damage. Physically exhausted from working all those double-shifts, emotionally and physically drained from the years of infidelity and abuse......Yeah
Lucky had a lot to answer for. Ch. 2

by Dellster Chapter 1
Lt. Lord William Clarence Henry George Ransom,
9th Earl of Ellsmere with Lady Elizabeth Ransom

PrimeTime - The Good Wife An Alicia & Will Story
Ever Since Georgetown Chapter 1

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