Etched on his face are conflicting emotions; words he long to say. His new post commands all of him. He delivers Sonny's Father's day present from his comatose son, but again he doesn't acknowledge Jacob's existence...He issues a warning on the docks after stumbling upon two arch rivals. It seemes Diane's diatribe on what her father means to her on this day may have touched him in some way.
It's apparent that with each conversation Jason is increasingly uncomfortable with a decision he felt compelled to make; Lucky Spencer questions him about the fire in his office but adds how appreciative he is of the selfless sacrifice he makes in giving him his son. This moment of clarity when he saw his reaction to the shooting of his newphew. All the while, he continues to see Jason's ex-lover, the woman who hired thugs to terrorize his son , but he hasn't given her up. It seems after less than a year they who had affairs outside their relationship, will be taking Jacob and brother Cam to a carnivale in August. Elizabeth has forgiven her.
In another uncomfortable encounter, he is lambasted for giving up Jacob and not fighting for him or a life with Elizabeth. After issuing advice on her association with the son of his rival mob lord to another Spencer. Nut the Zaccharas only seem to make his bleak situation bleaker. He spends his time without her tending to a more needier than usual Carly Jax who seems to have forgotten she has a husband. After speaking with Michael, Sonny's father handling the loan shark by running him out of town.
He sees her, in her psuedo family setting, they speak briefly about their life he remembers. They look longingly, wantonly, as she passes him, he reacts instinctively by catching her hand she looks back to gaze into indigo eyes that say it all. Unspoken, all they miss, what they shared. And then she was gone from his touch to enter her quasi-life, without him in it, to a man she is not in love with.
Weary, Jason returns home only to find Claudia Zacchara in a compromising postion with his protege' and friend on his sofa. "Why are you here?"
Claudia explains herself that she brought home an inebriated Damien Spinelli. She uses this opportunity to further assess Jason Morgan. Although recently, so much so, she speaks as if she's known him for years.
She demands, insults, barks and Jason Morgan finds himself eating pepperoni pizza with a woman who is trying to kill him.
We are subject to lots of laws
The Laws of Physics and the Laws of Nature are non-negotiable
The Laws of God vary from scripture...
1 day ago
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