Tara Thornton is Sookie's abrasive best friend who's never been able to shake her troubled youth. Though there's pain and rage within, it's her loyalty and love for Sookie that ultimately puts her life in danger.
Tara Thornton Gifs
Yes, she has fans with Pamela, I don't like her as a lesbian but whatevah! I support Rutina's staying on the show so there you have it. However, many Rutina fans miss Sam and Tara because she is getting shit this season. There is nothing for her other than following Pam around in her madness over Eric. No wonder she wants Tara back with Sam.
They have a large an of lesbian shippers starting from season 5 they call themselves Tamela
True Blood - Pam and Tara; It's canon, bitches. Plus any other non-canon subtext chat
1. Epic Love Story: A Pam and Tara Novel » by Divineress reviews
Pam and Tara find true love and in the process save the known universe, become goddesses, create peace and harmony and sunlit dreams for us all, and live happily ever after, all with a crazy cool soundtrack playing in the background; and it was totally epic. This is a True Blood Parody.2. Terms Of Endearment » by Lady Dudley reviews
True Blood - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Parody - Chapters: 15 - Words: 340,461 - Reviews: 78 - Updated: 7-4-13 - Published: 3-16-13 - - Pam/Tara T.
A series of drabbles about the different names Eric has had for Pam over the years. *NEW Chapter Added*3. Love Song of Separation by psychedoubt reviews
True Blood - Fiction Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 3,643 - Reviews: 39 - Updated: 4-16-13 - Published: 9-30-11 - - Eric N./Pam - Complete
Pam sent Tara away out of fear. Their bond had grown and expanded to a level that Pam no longer knew how to face. /With what heartache do we know that lets our feet walk us in circles back to that which makes us weak?/4. Somewhere a Clock is Ticking » by Ly Merrick reviews
True Blood - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,146 - Reviews: 9 - Updated: 4-11-13 - Published: 4-11-13 - - Pam/Tara T. - Complete
Quinn finds herself jealous and confused when her former best friend becomes Rachel Berry's protector and confidante. Faberry w/ Pezberry Friendship5. We Were Always Meant To Say Goodbye » by Crazeeee reviews
Glee - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 105,720 - Reviews: 252 - Updated: 1-13-13 - Published: 7-18-11 - - Quinn F./Rachel B. - Complete
'You can't undo anything you've already done but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness.' When Rachel returns to McKinley High after summer break, she finds that Quinn Fabray has changed in more ways than one.6. Family by frostingdoodle reviews
Glee - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 127,412 - Reviews: 453 - Updated: 12-9-12 - Published: 2-5-11 - - Quinn F./Rachel B.
Some months after the Authority's downfall, Pam comes to realise something.
True Blood - Fiction Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,533 - Reviews: 11 - Updated: 9-22-12 - Published: 9-22-12 - - Pam/Tara T. - Complete
FanForum - True Blood - Pam and Tara;
It's canon, bitches. Plus any other non-canon subtext chat
Gold & Ebony
Pamela carried herself with a cold, regal air. Gold. She was pure gold. Her lover was the polar opposite for Tara was ebony and like a black panther, she prowled. Her hooded gaze never wavered from her prey as her lean and powerful body that had been kissed by the night vibrated with a potent need. A need for her Maker. She pounced.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Pam & Tara T. - Words: 1,551 - Published: 09-13-13 - Status: Complete -
2013 -- Stories
Instead of Pam coming to Tara's aid, that fateful night Debbie Pelt shot her, Bill and Eric get to the scene. And only one of them is able to become Tara's maker. Guess which one of them? Hint: which vampire does Tara hate more...
Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Updated: 4-12-13 - Published: 2-15-13 Tara T. & Eric N. - Complete
Tara Compton: Vampire Queen of Louisiana
In the sequel to 'True Tara', Tara and Bill are now married but hardly settled down, as Eric Northman bides his time until he can force Tara, and the babies, to be with him. And Alcide has a surprise or two up his sleeve as well, with regards to winning Tara's love.
Northman Vs Thornton » reviews
In the final story of the 'True Tara' trilogy, Eric Northman finds a way to bind Tara to him forever, but as per the norm with this couple and their lives, that will be the least of their problems. A violently jealous ghost, a poisoning and a few misdeeds from the past, threaten to derail Eric and Tara for good.
@ Wiki
» True Blood »
Stories @ Archives of our own
Author: Franklin's Muse
1. Strawberries, Red Wine and Blood
is could be considered an extended version of Chapter 3 Formidable Flower.
Rated: M - Published: 8-24-10 -
2. Formidable Flower
I'm certainly going a different direction so you could call this a remake of S3.
Rated: M - Published: 8-20-10
3. Meet Franklin Mott
This is my attempt to give the intriguing character a background. Even if he does not live on the show, he will live on in my work. Hope you enjoy...
Rated: M - Published: 7-14-10
4. Franklin and Tara
This is my extended version of the night at Merlotte's when Franklin and Tara meet and have there "mind blowing" encounter. Rated: M
5. Flight Risk
Tara tried to escape from the lonely and obsessive Franklin only to be captured and brought back to him by a werewolf named Cooter. This is my spin on the season 3 episode called 'Trouble'...Genre: Erotica Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Dialogue/Pictorama of Franklin and Tara
Many Roads to You, Tara
Obsesssion Confession
A community for Franklin/Tara fiction
@ FanFiction.net
True Blood fic @ LiveJournal Sam Merlotte and Tara Thornton Stories

This is my own spin on what happened the night Tara and Franklin meet at Merlottes in the episode titled 'Beautifully Broken'
live What's In Your Life For Me? by PriscillaPal Rated: Mature Content
Summary: Tara Thornton is trying like hell to ease out of Vampire Franklin Mott's bed and life. But the incident that brought them together, coupled with secrets from the recent past, won't let her slip away that easily.
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 22622 Read Count: 3148 Updated: 08/17/10
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 22622 Read Count: 3148 Updated: 08/17/10
There are people dead and alive that would love to find peace in Louisana and those people will try anything to get it. Even a very unlikely pair. (Tara/Eric)
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Horror, Romance, Science Fiction
Warnings: Adult Situations, Dark Fic, Strong Sexual Content
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents Completed: No Word count: 9940 Read Count: 8837
Tara's Pretty sure that whatever this is won't end well...
PenName: LadyOfSpring
Characters: Tara Thornton
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Horror, Romance
Pairings: None
Warnings: Dark Fic, Dubcon, Strong Sexual Content
What if Franklin had bitten Tara the night they had sex? Unfortunately, Franklin takes things a bit too far and now Tara must deal with the consequences. Will she ever forgive him now that she is cursed with immortality? Can centuries of waiting and separation be overcome to reunite theseestranged lovers? Massive AU. True Blood fic.
Characters: Tara Thornton
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance
Warnings: Dark Fic, Strong Sexual Content
Challenges: They're Playing Our Song Challenge
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Completed: Yes Word count: 4416
As an adult she'd gradually lost everything, including her free will and the only man who loved her as she was. Now there was a vampire with a hard-on for violence calling on her. Whatever happened next would involve a lot of blood."
Characters: Tara Thornton
Genre: Drama Pairings: Male/Female
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Completed: Yes Word count: 1372
Updated: 06/27/10
A Christmas Kiss can be as deadly as a Christmas Wish. Jason Stackhouse discovers this the hard way.
Classification: Supernatural
Genre: Horror
Warnings: Extreme Language, Strong Sexual Content
Challenges: The "All I Want For Christmas" Challenge
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents Completed: Yes Word count: 4398
Updated: 12/11/09
October 2008 Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t Author: kereia
Characters/Pairings: Jason/Tara Rating: R
Word Count: 2670 S1x04 “Escape from Dragon House”
Warnings: explicit sexual situations, swearing
Summary: Tara finally gets what she wants, only to realize that she doesn’t want it at all.
Summary: Unsettled by the exorcism of her mother’s demon, Tara has a not-so-quiet meltdown. Sam helps her through it. - Warnings: swearing, explicit sexual situations - Word Count: 2493
Summary: Tara shows up at Sam’s trailer with an explanation for the previous night. - Warnings: mild swearing - Word Count: 1246
Summary: In the wake of Dawn's murder, Tara is more worried about Sookie than ever and doesn't take it well when she finds out that Sam is worried about her. - Warnings: none - Word Count: 2160 - S01x03

Fan Art Gallery@Wiki: Rio Collection
Welcome Home Tara Thornton by handleit
Stories by Kendra.
She will be his undoing, and he, hers. A Franklin/Tara story with all the other characters of Bon Temps mixed in. Every genre will be mixed in, so hold onto your hats. Follows season 3 and will sometimes leave a set path due to my imagination. R&R
Rated: T - Mystery/Romance Published: 6-30-10
3. So wrong, it must be right » by jj82
Tara and Eric.
Rated: T - Drama/Romance
Published: 4-30-10
Published: 4-30-10
4. Souls are for losers » by Ififall
Franklin's thoughts about helping Tara fight back.
Sam and Tara decide to try to have a "normal" relationship but has Sam ruined his chances when she finds out his secret?
Sam and Tara decide to try to have a "normal" relationship but has Sam ruined his chances when she finds out his secret?
Rated: T - Published: 7-6-10
6. Stranglehold » by Mary Jane Parker
A short look at Tara, Sam, and Maryanne written before the S2 premiere.
Rated: K+ - Angst -Published: 1-1-10
Rated: K+ - Angst -Published: 1-1-10
Tam Shippers A Community for fans of Sam/Tara
Author: vampirelissy14
Just a Taste Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tara makes an important request of Franklin.
Leave This Mess Behind Rating: R S3x09, but takes an entirely different direction and goes AU.
Just a Taste Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tara makes an important request of Franklin.
Leave This Mess Behind Rating: R S3x09, but takes an entirely different direction and goes AU.
Summary: All it takes is a moment to change everything.
Author's note: Fic therapy. It was needed.
An Invitation For Disaster" Rating: PG-13
S3 AU, vampire!Tara
Summary: Franklin and Tara attend a dinner party thrown by Russell and Talbot. Mayhem ensues.
Precious and Simple Things, Rating: PG-13, S3 AU
Summary: It's the simple moments that typically are the best.
Don't Walk Away, Rating: Season3X03
Summary: What if Franklin went after Tara when she left the motel room? And what if he convinced her to come back?
Warnings: Fluff. Not sure how I manage it with these two, but there you go. Then again I think everyone kind of agrees that Tara really *needs* fluff right now...
Lavender, Rating: R Spoilers: S3 AU
Summary: Romantic moments between Franklin and Tara.
The Best Intentions Rating: PG13 S3
Summary: Sometimes a second chance is really all that's needed
It's a Date Rating: PG-13 S3x02
Summary: In the aftermath of thier encounter in Merlotte's parking lot, Tara and Franklin get closer. A LOT closer.
An Invitation For Disaster" Rating: PG-13
S3 AU, vampire!Tara
Summary: Franklin and Tara attend a dinner party thrown by Russell and Talbot. Mayhem ensues.
Precious and Simple Things, Rating: PG-13, S3 AU
Summary: It's the simple moments that typically are the best.
Don't Walk Away, Rating: Season3X03
Summary: What if Franklin went after Tara when she left the motel room? And what if he convinced her to come back?
Warnings: Fluff. Not sure how I manage it with these two, but there you go. Then again I think everyone kind of agrees that Tara really *needs* fluff right now...
Lavender, Rating: R Spoilers: S3 AU
Summary: Romantic moments between Franklin and Tara.
The Best Intentions Rating: PG13 S3
Summary: Sometimes a second chance is really all that's needed
It's a Date Rating: PG-13 S3x02
Summary: In the aftermath of thier encounter in Merlotte's parking lot, Tara and Franklin get closer. A LOT closer.