Scandal...Olivia Pope and President Fitzpatrick Grant
Stories at Archive of Our Own
The Love of his life.....
Olitz fan page
Author: mardia's Master List
The Good Wife:a carefully laid-out plan. "Alicia's been legally separated for three months before Kalinda officially makes her move." Written for Yuletide Madness 2009. Alicia Florrick/Kalinda Sharma, rated PG.
Absolute Truth. The absolute truth is that Will's never slept with Alicia. Will Gardner/Alicia Florrick, rated NC-17.
without any sense of strategies. Will's not entirely proud of this, but in the back of his head, he's still expecting Alicia to leave him. Will Gardner/Alicia Florrick, NC-17.
you can like the life you're living (you can live the life you like). AU version of 2x01. Peter's reaching out for her, and Alicia's phone is still vibrating in her hand, Will's name on the screen. Alicia Florrick/Will Gardner, rated PG.
we're gonna brush the sky. Six meals Alicia and Will shared together. Alicia Florrick/Will Gardner, rated PG.
'Till The Water Runs Clear. “Alicia has to admit, it’s a strange feeling—all these people watching, and knowing that for once, it’s not her they’re all staring at.” Alicia Florrick, Sloan Burchfield, gen, rated PG-13.
Funny, he thinks, how the Alicia in his imagination is always wearing a dress.

Peter and Alicia Florrick @

Kalinda and Cary
Kailnda thinks Cary's married and it turns out the young girl named Rebecca might be able to bring happiness into both Cary and Kailnda's lives. Maybe one-shot
Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 6 - 11-14-10 - - Complete
Ms. Sharma has a habit of wearing boots...
Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - - Published: 3-28-10 - - Complete
The Nature of Betrayal by Badfluffy
Kalinda asks Cary for his help and by doing so discloses the extent of her involvement in Peter's scandal.
Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2-9-10 - - Complete