What if they wrote "for" Jason and Elizabeth instead of "against" them? fyi the fabric Elizabeth is wrapped in is from another Liason scene in 2008 in her art studio.
What if Elizabeth Webber met International super model David Gandy? fyi: considered the most handsomest man in the world (2011)
Parlami d'amore Mariù Speak to me of love, Mariù
English Translation
How beautiful you are,
more than ever this evening, Mariù!
A smile is twinkling
like a star in your blue eyes.
Even if the fates
should be contrary tomorrow,
today I am with you;
why be sad?
Do not think about it!
Speak to me of love, Mariù!
I live only for you!
Your lovely eyes shine brightly,
they flash with a dreaming fire!
Tell me that this is no illusion;
tell me that you are all mine!
Here in your arms I suffer no more:
Speak to me of love, Mariù!
Your lovely eyes shine brightly, etc.
Light Blue/Dolce & Gabbana
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What if Elizabeth Webber met Italian film legend Alessandro Gassman?
Three best friends jump at the chance for a night out in the hopes of repairing their friendship. Tired of the supernatural interruptions that have put a strain on their childhood bond, they leave behind boyfriends and lovers for a little fun. When the girls meet three mysterious strangers everything that follows is filled with danger and romance.
Author: djkiwi2576 Fandom: SPNxTVD
Characters/Pairings: Damon Salvatore, Dean Winchester, mentions of Bonnie, and a reaper Rating: PG - 13 Spoilers: General Series Spoilers for both shows Warnings: AU, definitely off canon, some language, implied sexual content, mentions of violence Summary: It's the end of their world as they know it
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I just do this when I'm bored out of my ever-loving mind.
Crossover story Sleeping With Ghosts by BlackDove13
Rating: Mature R Pairing: Bonnie/Dean/Damon
Summary : Leaving Mystic Falls and the memories of a normal life behind Bonnie finds her calling on the road helping others. When Elena and Stefan tie the knot she's forced to return and face her demons head on, with a little help from Dean Winchester
Need to Know
In this universe there is no doppelganger effect. Katherine was killed and the supernatural mayhem ceased for the most part. Poor Tyler was still caught as a wolf. They went to Bonnie for a little magic that makes him cognate enough to recognize friend from foe when he's in wolf form. Yes Miss Bennett is truly that powerful now
In this universe there is no doppelganger effect. Katherine was killed and the supernatural mayhem ceased for the most part. Poor Tyler was still caught as a wolf. They went to Bonnie for a little magic that makes him cognate enough to recognize friend from foe when he's in wolf form. Yes Miss Bennett is truly that powerful now
DisClaimer: I do not own any of the characters used in this story. (Though i wish i did.) and no money is being made.
Bonnie paused as she got to the door hearing Tyler, “Well as nobody seems to want my help. I thought I could be useless somewhere else” She sighed as she slowly turned to face him. She listened to him, with a small frown on her face. “Fine I will stay, but you have to be honest with me and tell me everything” She looked him in the eyes, and then put her coat and the DVDs back down. “Don’t tell anybody?…” She paused as she thought for a few seconds, with a sigh she started to speak again. “Fine, I wont tell anyone”
Tyler sighed, “Can we at least watch a chick flick first? I’m in the mood for something soppy.” He grinned and limped into the sitting area, collapsing into the chair. “You can’t, only talk to people who know, me, Katherine, Damon, I think Jeremy knows too.” He crinkled his nose.
“Oh, I thought you didn’t like those type of movies” Bonnie raised a eyebrow at him with a small smirk. The first DVD she picked up was Mean Girls, “This one I think” She chuckled as she followed Tyler into the living room. She sighed as she turned to face him, “What if someone asks me what is going on? You know how much I suck at lying” She bit her lower lip with a frown.
So the storyline is simple Bonnie tries to resist Damon and deny that they have anything going on. Damon tell her he loves her and they have an awesome kiss!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Every year I go for a routine blood test
So, every year I get hit with a big ball of fear
It slams into my middle lik...
Going On Hiatus
*I Need A Break*
*I've been thinking a lot about this for some time now. I feel awful, but I
know I can't really keep up with regular recaps anymore. My ...