Jason is still upset with the short attention span of Damien Spinelli. He repeats (again) to not put him in a position to hurt Elizabeth.
The next day, Carly carries groceries into his PH but he can't help but wonder why she is more concerned about him and Spinelli instead of her husband...she goes on about her ex and his fiancee...
Right mow, Elizabeth is with Maxi while Spinelli is being discharged and subjected to the babbling of Spinelli speaking on Jason and this slavic seductress. Elizabeth urges her to be civil but she gets in her last dig which Elizabeth ignores.
Jason back at his PH takes care of his protege after being hit by a car Spinelli still doesn't get it. "What part of my life do you want...I use fear and intimidation on a daily basis." Jason again tries to make him see realize that his actions are not only stupid but could get him killed. "I can't be with people I love."
They are interrupted by a knock on the door there stands Maxi Jones barging in to move into the Penthouse of a Mob Lord.
Every year I go for a routine blood test
So, every year I get hit with a big ball of fear
It slams into my middle lik...
8 hours ago