Elizabeth Webber lands back from the hospital reeling from her setback her wound from the fire reopens..She has an unexpected visit from the one person she dislikes most. There pleading her case it falls on deaf ears, Elizabeth wants her to stay away from her and her children during this exchange her ex-husband overhears her and insist that she tell him exactly what is being kept from him.
Elizabeth tells Lucky about the misdeeds and they speak of what might have been and what is and why...He understands why she does not want her children exposed to a plot of malice and revenge.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
As far as I'm Concerned...
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
~Stay Away From Me and My Children~
Concerned after a conversation with her ex-husband Elizabeth arrives at his home to discover Jason Morgan ex girlfriend at his home alone carrying Jacob Martin in her arms..Elizabeth infused with the memory of her setting her and her children up to be terriorized by armed thugs and her watching as Jake was kidnapped consumed and ignited a fiery retort and words with this woman consumed by revenge of Jason.
Elizabeth takes her child from her arms suddenly she feels dizzy as she continues her verbal confrontation Elizabeth collapsis..A supposedly concerned offers help....Elizabeth refuses however blood is pouring from her legs....her stitches have re-opened..
Lucky arrives to suggest that she continues to watch over Jake while he takes her back to the hospital .....He doesn't know the past nefarious deeds of his new love intrest who began an affair with Elizabeth's ex-husband for revenge.
Meanwhile across town Jason Morgan prompted by call for a clandestine meeting, enters Kelly's Diner to hear a scream he runs towards the sound to discover a dead body hanging from the rafters and an open window ......
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
"Circle of Friends" "From the Shadows"
Earlier Elizabeth learned her friend Dr. Robin Scorpio's good news . After Robin addressed her concern in her inability to sleep; Robin who was a past lover of Jason's is now pregnant by an ex-lover. For the first time Robin smiled. He does not want children so she ask Elizabeth her opinion on keeping the paternity a secret. She responds concluding with "the truth has a way of coming out any way"
Elizabeth sketches in the waiting area where she speaks with her friend, Dr. Elaine Winters, Psychiatrist about the fire... Lainey explains its post traumatic and it is expected she speaks positively on Elizabeth' event of rescuing her son and to give it time. The are later joined by Dr. Kelly Lee. They notice a man approaching the front desk overhears his his name "Dr. Ian Devlin"
Elizabeth calls her ex-husband to check on the boys and hears him welcoming a visitor upon hearing the name; Elizabeth later arrives at the Spencer house letting herself in with a key she stands face to face with her arch enemy, holding Jake.
Meanwhile Jason has his hands full when he walks in Sonny' office to find Michael rambling in the bottom drawer to take a gun...Jason gives him a stern lecture and warns him of all its dangers. He wants revenge for the murder of his nanny since birth Leticia and Jason's sister Dr. Emily Quartermaine. After talking with him, Jason thinks he got through.
Michael returns later to break into the drawer. He abruptly stops mid way about to force the drawer open and leaves...Stepping from the shadows after he emerges after hearing his thirteen year old nephew close the door.
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
"Stay With Me, Don't Stop"
Elizabeth Webber and Jason Morgan are becoming increasingly frustrated with the secret arrangement to share their love....After Jason heart wrenchingly divulge that he misses Elizabeth and Jake all the time...he thinks of what they are doing and wants to hold her be with them....Elizabeth still reeling from her unexpected visit from Jason's meddlesome ex-lover from over a decade ago...where she threatened to file for custody in behalf of Jason after learning of Jakes secret paternity from his recent ex-lover..Elizabeth wonders "Are you going to take Jake?" Jason doesn't know about this threat and wears his heart on his sleeve this night and tells Elizabeth how he feels and exactly what he wants...he seems to be waiting to hear something from her. He doesn't, Elizabeth although previously follows what they agreed upon...she says in heart she wants nothing more but her head tells her they made the right decision...she acknowledges the toll it has taken on Jason.
After staring at his beautiful little boy's picture, who has gotten deep into his heart later...in a reflective gut wrenching moment it is clear where he wants to be.
Jason has a visit from his bosses new girlfriend. During their visit Carly who threatened Jake's custody to Elizabeth, barges in his office and immediately confronts her ex-husband's girlfriend, on several matters regarding her time spent with a missing Sonny Corinthos....during this confrontation an increasingly impatient Jason listens to her beratement ...After Kate leaves, Jason, uncharacteristically let's her have it lashing out in full force explaining his intepretation of her interference in other's lives including her obsession with Jacob. A displeased Jason Morgan tells her in no uncertain terms where he stands with her meddling, during this Jason says Me, Elizabeth, and Jake. She leaves in tears.
Jason visits the hospital he speaks with nurse Epiphany Johnson to learn Elizabeth is not fairing well she's recuperated however she is restless and can't sleep, besides that she is yearning to be with him
Elizabeth has dreams of the fire feeling she put Jake at risk she should have known better when Cam was playing with matches. Elizabeth unable to rest dreams of the fire she feels it is her fault she drifts off. Upon awakenig she finds a note with sketching supplies w/a note "Don't stop"
She smiles.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Jason Morgan
Yesterday, Elizabeth in the hospital recuperating from the fire that was started by her first born Cameron..is having dreams of the tragic event...with the boys safe and sound alone in her hospital room it is evident that she misses Jason....after a stressful visit with Carly Jax. Elizabeth begins to sketch later she asked Lulu for a very big favor....Lulu delivers the present to Jason at his birthday party thrown by the Jaxes, it is of their son....he is deeply moved.
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Jason Interrupted
As he desparately seeks to gain entry into Elizabeth' hospital room Jason is interrupted by his Lt Max of a situation regarding the underworld activities of a top crime lord who is trying to take the Corinthos organization down, with Sonny out of down he must attend to the business of day to day operations; still , he comes back to Elizabeth' hospital room to find her w/Dr. Julian, so again, can not gain access visibly disappointed Jason backs away sighs and holds his head against the wall.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth suddenly responds to the door opening in her hospital room; perchance it is Jason Morgan the man she loves she knows he came to her however it is her doctor. Dr. Julian informs Elizabeth that she must stay in the hospital. He commends her on her bravery in saving her son's life
but informs her of the importance of not re-opening a wound that almost caused her to bleed out...an excellent nurse she realizes he is correct and is concerned about who will take care of Cameron and Jacob during her recuperation.
Lucky her ex-husband who agreed to maintain her secret of paternity to keep Jake safe brings in Jake to see her who is fully recovered from his life threatening injury of smoke inhalation. She ask if he would take care of Jake and Cameron he agreed to take off a few extra days and care for the boys.
In the meantime, Jason "again" tries to gain entry but he is again stopped by Spinelli who tells him informtion regarding the kidnapping of Lulu Spencer, forced to leave visibly torn he longingly looks at the hospital door. Jason must leave to attend to the situation of a dire and quite serious nature.
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A distraught Jason Morgan is frantic to learn the condition of Jake and his mother Elizabeth...Elizabeth in and out of conciousness murmurs to save Jake as Jason approaches her hospital room he finds her ex-husband Lucky by her side
With a smile on his face he leaves silently. A master at approaching the unapproachable after over a decade in his business as a tob mob assassin,
the best.
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Romantic Fantasy of Jason Morgan and Elizabeth I. Webber
2008 -The Liason Love Story "Secrets - Their cabin in the woods"
Because he is a top mob cappo and is a dangerous enforcer the best in the country; Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber have decided to meet in private Because of thier growing intimacy and passion. However the safety of Elizabeth, Cameron, and Jacob, Jason has set up a rendevous safe house....no one needs to know...
Elizabeth is overjoyed and thanked him "You've thought of everything, you don't know what this means to me"
Jason Morgan, "I had to be with you"
Their New Year's eve plans to be together were thwarted. Their rendevous was arranged and Elizabeth planned a romantic evening unfortunately because of a brewing mob war Jason cancelled to leave for New York....A disappointed Elizabeth surprised and overjoyed at his present of an easel and art supplies, begins to paint however, she abruptly stops, leaves...
Elizabeth's co-worker and friend Head nurse Epiphany is trying desparately to reach her son. She hasn't heard from him in quite sometime no calls during the holidays. Elizabeth listens in while during her long awaited conversation; it suddenly ends unsucessfully After an interruption in their phone conversation Epip is frantic. Elizabeth calls the police then chirps Jason Morgan.
and their love story continues...
A distraught Epiphany is inconsolable and is perplexed after listening to her son die...Elizabeth accompanies her to the coffee house to speak with the one person who can give her answers Jason Morgan...when they arrive they find Carly and Spinelli in attendance..Epiphany ask Jason to help find the murderer of her son because his world is out of her reach...Jason explains he hasn't heard from Stan and he stopped working for him awhile back..further perplexed Epip asks him to help her...Elizabeth vouches for Jason still in grief over the strangulation of his beloved sister Emily he silently agrees...during this exchange Carly is noticing their amazing chemistry she can see their love which they are still trying to hide for the safety of Elizabeth Cam and their son Jake
~Their Love Story Continues ~
It was touch and go lots of phone tag but Jason went to Elizabeth at the hospital to see her for the New Year and apologized for NYE. Elizabeth understood and said the champagn is still there...making arrangements for a sitter Elizabeth turns from her phone conversation to see Jason' bitter fatal attraction ex girlfriend who is romantically linked to Elizabeth ex-husband to plot revenge in "taking all that Elizabeth has" in another long series of stalking events and after her harassement. Jason arrives at the safehouse to find a sketch of their son and is touched...
Elizabeth arrives at the SafeHouse "You made it." She asks if he would sit for her to solve the problem of no one holding baby Jake in the sketch...later while sitting Jason says he' hungry...he runs over to sneak a peaka atthe sketch but Elizabeth quickly covers it "no peaking" He moves her hair away and nibbles i his feast of love.....he' famished...
Later at the safehhouse Elizabeth prepares to say goodbye to Jason they speak again of trying to keep Jake out of harms way...She says she is happiest when she is there with him and that she will come alone to paint...Elizabeth feels that Jason should be a part of son's life while showing him pictures she says "you should be seeing this part of Jakes life so maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring the pictures." He assures her that he is glad she did. Jason has been extremely affectionate with Elizabeth...always touching her. A last embrace they leave unbeknownst to them a picture of Jake fell to the floor.
Upon returning home Elizabeth readys her children for bed...Carly Corinthos arrives a woman from Jason' past who married Jason' mob boss (several times) now married to wealthy fiancier Jasper Jax..she had a visit from another enemy of hers and Elizabeth, Sam McCall, who spilled the beans re: Jason' being Jake' father. Carly confronts Elizabeth about the paternity of their son Jake....one look and Carly says, its true...a heated exchange and a slap later Carly arrives at the office of her ex-husband to find Jason Morgan alone where she asks about Jacob Martin....
Their sexy love continues...and no one needs to know...
1.09.08Carly an old lover of a decade ago secretly is in love with Jason Morgan she expressed in the past she wanted to have his child....standing in front of Jason, Carly is supposedly very hurt that her now supposedly best friendship did not confide in her...his secret of his chld
Their conversation escalates into a heated exchange where Jason Morgan screams "this is exactly the reason why I didn't want you to know" more words however nevers satisfied she storms out of his office vowing to expose that Jacob is Jason's son so that he can share custody... despite his vehement disapproval....never respecting his wishes she storms back to Elizabeth's house for another ranting round where Elizabeth holds her own...understandably upset Elizabeth heads to the apartment of Samantha McCall where she lays it out and tells Lucky Spencer her ex-husband who has now been snared by Sam in her plot of revenge...That Sam has told Carly Jakes paternity..
Lucky takes up for Sam being attacked by Carly Sam lies explaining she was stressed out and accidently blurted it out...Elizabeth does not buy her explanation to Lucky who ask Sam can you explain it to me...Samantha plays victim but because her son' safety is in danger Elizabeth is not accepting Sams explanation.
After Lucky is called on police business Elizabeth remains to get some things straight with ex live-in lover...Samantha McCall.
Jacobs paternity is now known to one more threat Carly Jax the ex ho that won't go away.
Cameron Webber plays learned to play with matches from his friend...Elizabeth scolds him but he strikes a match Elizabeth commented that if you slam the door it sticks....Cameron strikes a match unknowingly he threw a lighted match in the trash...Elizabeth runs after Cameron after he runs out the door, the door slams.. Jake is upstairs napping and the house is filling fire and smoke, Cameron and Elizabeth is locked outside and the fire begins to spread...Elizabeth screams for Jake on the other side of the Blue Door...
The Lovers are becoming more exposed as their love grows ... they become more dangerously in love.
Jason learns of the fire and runs to Elizabeth's house at 145 and sees Cameron to learn Elizabeth has rushed their son to the hospital. She rushed to take Jake to GH only to enter a hostage situation. With her son' life at stake she pleads with a bomber who has explosives strapped to his body to let a doctor care for Jake...Sam her arch enemy who hasppens to be in the hospital assist...Elizabeth's son Jacob is attended.
Unbeknownst to Elizabeth she is bleeding profusely from a gash on her leg...as she collaspes from lack of blood Elizabeth request is "save Jake" drifting in and out of conciousness...Epiphany tells her Jason is here .Jacob Martin fights for his new life.
The bomber ask why is Jason concerned what does this mean to you. Hostages include his family, Elizabeth's colleagues are noticing the presence of Jason Morgan with quizzical expressions may be wondering the same thing....The secret lovers are becoming more exposed
"Liason on Fire"
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Saturday, January 19, 2008